trusted liquid handling tools

reliable extraction

reliable purification systems

characterisation in gene therapy

Next-generation label-free analysis
BLI is a powerful technology that is flexible, highly-sensitive and accessible. From experiment to analysis, characterise the widest range of molecules on a single easy-to-use platform ― in a single run.
True low volume, high throughput subvisible particle analysis
Aura systems help you develop stable, pure, and efficacious protein, cell, and gene therapies faster. By combining the sensitivity of BMI with fluorescent detection, Aura systems enable high-throughput particle count, size and identification.
Next-generation label-free analysis
BLI is a powerful technology that is flexible, highly-sensitive and accessible. From experiment to analysis, characterise the widest range of molecules on a single easy-to-use platform ― in a single run.
True low volume, high throughput subvisible particle analysis
Aura systems help you develop stable, pure, and efficacious protein, cell, and gene therapies faster. By combining the sensitivity of BMI with fluorescent detection, Aura systems enable high-throughput particle count, size and identification.
Powerful next-gen BLI technology that is flexible, highly sensitive and accessible
Scalable preparative LC systems to support your purification journey
Solve Scientific caters to the Australian and New Zealand scientific market with high-quality product and innovative technologies. In close partnership with our suppliers our role is delivering premium local support in enabling our customer’s results.
Get in touch with our team for sales, service and applications support:
Phone: 1300 70 98 90
Intl: +61 7 3822 1826
Email: info@solvescientific.com.au
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