We are Gilson, a third generation family-owned company developing liquid handling, purification, and extraction solutions with a focus on helping the life scientist at the bench achieve more productive research and verifiable data.  Since 1957, we have helped researchers advance the pace of discovery by creating human-centred and application-oriented lab tools that improve reproducibility, traceability, and that are easy to use.  Our employees are dedicated to working for scientific progress, with the same strongly held values that have been guiding the company since its creation, and it shows in our products.  We connect and collaborate with the scientific community to make lab life easier for researchers and to help them achieve verifiable results.

The Gilson legacy began in the 1940s, while Dr Warren Gilson was a faculty member at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine.  He began to design and develop specialised medical electronics and instruments for his use and that of colleagues that were not commercially available.  His driving motivation was to invent and improve on lab instruments to make research easier for scientists.  One of his first efforts was a cathode ray recorder — a moving paper camera that recorded images from a cathode ray tube.  It was later used in cardiac catheterization labs. By the early 1950s, Dr Gilson developed an electroencephalograph (EEG), a device that records the brain’s electrical signals for diagnosing epilepsy, strokes, and tumours.  He also focused on the oxygraph, a respiration system that measures oxygen consumption.

Through the years, the company’s focus broadened from specialised instruments for physiological applications to solutions for liquid handling, purification, and extraction applications.  Gilson specialises in translating manual processes into automated solutions, helping researchers to get scientific results faster, while improving the traceability and reproducibility of their experiments.

Today, Gilson remains family owned, and manufactures purification systems, automated liquid handlers, pipettes (including the renowned PIPETMAN® brand of pipettes), fraction collectors, solid phase extraction (SPE) systems, detectors, injectors, and much more.  From academia to industry, Gilson delivers high-quality, dependable solutions to researchers.

Automated Liquid Handling

Trusted results begin with
trusted liquid handling tools


Trusted solutions for
reliable extraction


Verifiable scientific results require
reliable purification systems


Gilson product guide 2024

VERITY Purification Systems

Introduction to CPC

Gilson guide to SPE automation

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